Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pic of the Week (late)-- Lions and Tigers and Satyrs... OH MY.

Alright, kiddies. I'm sorry that I've been gone so long, but now that my tests are over, I'm here!

Anyway, to make up for my absence, these next two posts are going to cover some... um... interesting ground, to say the least.

Might I remind you that this blog is not for kids? Also, this particular post is NSFW. (That's "not safe for work" for those of you new to the internet) You have been warned...

Alright, here it is, just... scroll down...

Y-yes... that's exactly what it looks like. It's a satyr balancing a cup on its penis. I would REALLY like to know the vase that this comes from, so if anyone figures it out, PLEASE tell me. To ensure that I'm using this as an educational opportunity and NOT just an opportunity to show you Greek porn, I believe that the cup he's balancing is called a Kantharos. You can tell by the shape, since it has a wide mouth and the handles extend pretty high above the mouth (... that sounds SO wrong...). It would have been used for drinking, so it's a pretty safe bet that he's at a drunken party. Also, this picture gives me the perfect opportunity to give you another vocabulary word: "ithyphallic." This word is from the Greek: "ithys" meaning "straight" and "phallos" meaning... well... "penis." Satyrs (half-man/half-goat, for those of you who can't tell) were known to be ithyphallic, and they always wanted to chase the girls around, since they were always afflicted with erections.

Now you know.


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